Patricia’s experience, strength, and hope in Your Upward Journey lets the reader know that anything is possible, life is a choice, and abundance exists in every moment. There is abundance in the heartache and pain, in the joy and peace, and in all that unfolds in each of our lives. Patience, humility, and acceptance are but a few of the rewards when we live the upward journey. The steps up require an honest, open, and willing attitude. Patricia presents how we are all normal, we are all ok, and we are all worthy; however, it is an inside job. We can not blame and shame our circumstances and expect to receive the upward journey. While she may have thought her book was an epiphany to truly understanding how life works, she is humble to admit that fear and heartache will always be an integral part of the upward journey. Her candid chats with the reader and life scenarios remind us that whether we are postponing joy or tripping over what is already behind us, it is a choice. She accepts her physical limitations and in doing so, Patu focuses on what she can do. Serenity and joy are an inside job and we are each a masterpiece in progress. And we are human. “I’m not ashamed of being human…I’m open to improvement because I owe it to myself!”. She gives the reader the dignity and grace to be human and be open to improvement because we are worth it, but only if we work it!
In gratitude,

Patricia’s experience, strength, and hope in Your Upward Journey lets the reader know that anything is possible, life is a choice, and abundance exists in every moment. There is abundance in the heartache and pain, in the joy and peace, and in all that unfolds in each of our lives. Patience, humility, and acceptance are but a few of the rewards when we live the upward journey. The steps up require an honest, open, and willing attitude. Patricia presents how we are all normal, we are all ok, and we are all worthy; however, it is an inside job. We can not blame and shame our circumstances and expect to receive the upward journey. While she may have thought her book was an epiphany to truly understanding how life works, she is humble to admit that fear and heartache will always be an integral part of the upward journey. Her candid chats with the reader and life scenarios remind us that whether we are postponing joy or tripping over what is already behind us, it is a choice. She accepts her physical limitations and in doing so, Patu focuses on what she can do. Serenity and joy are an inside job and we are each a masterpiece in progress. And we are human. “I’m not ashamed of being human…I’m open to improvement because I owe it to myself!”. She gives the reader the dignity and grace to be human and be open to improvement because we are worth it, but only if we work it!
In gratitude,

I found Your Upward Journey such an inspiration! When I read it years ago, I was going through one of the toughest times of my life. There were a lot of changes happening in my personal life and within myself, that I was in desperate need of a book that offered both a personal story of triumph and some insight on how to find my own inner strength to overcome this difficult time in my own life. Your Upward Journey offered both of these things to me. I was not only inspired by Patricia’s personal story of finding inner strength when life threw her one of the most challenging curve balls one could get at such a young age, but I was also able to deeply connect to her story. Although her story differed tremendously from my own challenges, I was able to connect to her overcoming her personal difficulties with strategies she used and applying them to my own life. I still think of Your Upward Journey, all these years later when I have to overcome adversity in my own life. I know everyone’s journey and difficulties all look different, but what we can all relate to are the strategies and tools we use to overcome them. I would recommend Your Upward Journey to anyone and everyone, because we all have to overcome difficulties at some point in our lives, and there is inspiration for anyone willing to read this book!
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